Немного не по порядку и всё в куче, потому что давно никаких постов не было
Во-первых, увесистая часть каста проводила тут время на Фэнтэзи-коне в Солт-Лейк-Сити. Кроме немаленького отряда гномов
(Оин, Глоин, Двалин, Балин, Бифур... Ори, Нори - всё)) Надо же, понравилось, видимо, Кену Стотту - Балину - на фанатских тусовках, опять поехал)), также там были Сильвестр Маккой, а ещё представители каста ВК - Шон Остин (Сэм), Джон Рис-Дэвис (Гимли) и Билли Бойд (Пиппин). Натаскала фоток из твиттеров актёров и с тумбочки.
смотреть, много
Это ещё по пути туда -
Jed Brophy @BrophyJed · 3 июля: The boys in San Fran on our way to Salt Lake City
Совершенно прекрасные фотки - чуваки в Кадиллаке 1961 года на параде, посвящённом 4 июля
и всякое с панелей и встреч с фанатами
да, и с такими фанатами тоже))))
Оин - Джон Каллен - в коротких штанишках отдельно прекрасен))
Как обычно, на панелях с актёрами там чёрт знает что творилось) Уильям Кирчер вылезает из старЭребаксовского кофейного стаканчика)))))) и висит на Майкле Фергюссоне
Джед как обычно)
Дальше, о чём, конечно же, не могу не сказать - это пьеса "Суровое испытание" в театре Old Vic и Ричард Армитидж в главной роли. Надеюсь, что подробнее напишут те, кто Ричардом больше увлечены, а я просто натаскаю фоточек
и сплетен))
Штук двадцать небольших фоток из самого спектакля
И всякое разное до и после))
опять много мелких фоток
Не люблю однообразные фотки с фанатками, но тут такая рубашечка славная))
PressNight of The Crucible with Richard Armitage
Собственно, обещанные сплетни: все заинтересованные лица, должно быть, уже знают, что Ли Пейс -
конечно увы не один, а вместе с вечной гей-тусовкой коллегами по касту - сэром Йеном и Орландо Блумом)) посетил на днях один из спектаклей Ричарда (если не ошибаюсь, аж в День независимости, 4 июля)) Пруфы
мутноватые, но, по-моему,
Несколько глумливо, должно быть, сразу после театральных новостей об Армитидже - но тем не менее, Мартин Фриман в эти дни
играет Ричарда III в современной версии этой истории. Ещё интервью
здесь и
Немного прекрасных фоточек с неподражаемым стайлом Мартина от фанатов, отловивших его после спектакля.
А это, как я понимаю, промо к спектаклю - и фото с репетиций.
Что у нас ещё интересного... Ага, вот _сэр_Йен_как_всегда_ - как всегда прекрасен, я имею в виду))) Футболка охренительна, ящетаю) Две фотки с недавнего Лондонского гей-парада
Ну и наконец, к тому, ради чего я выпала из анабиоза - новые фото Дина с Комик-кона в Мельбурне. Честно, не знаю, как вынести теперь эту лавину любви и неадеквата, которая опять по мне прошлась)) Посмотрите на причёску, на руки его смешные, на новый дурацкий свитерок) #мышьвжеле))
смотреть ещё пушистолохматости)![](http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xap1/t51.2885-15/928014_1439382096324101_1370189235_n.jpg)
фотки с фанатами тоже принесу, с голодухи-то![](https://photos-h.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xap1/10474947_593018367483607_122431001_n.jpg)
А вот тётенька в фейсбуке выложила фото с того самого ужина *осуждающе завидует*))
Всё, ушла обратно в анабиоз, теперь с эротическими снами))и конечно, куда же без рассказов очевидцев)) я пока только гуглем переводила, но судя по всему,
этот пост - просто кладезь кулстори.
Текст принесла сюда, вдруг какой-нибудь прекрасный добрый человек переведёт))
A beautiful hour of question taking, talking about photography, The Hobbit (The Dwarf Film/The Dwarvit), The Almighty Johnsons, chest hair, booty and fun times.
Hopefully they’ll post the video of this panel soon (because I know they were filming), but I wanted to share some of the stories he told us to the best of my memory. This is by no means in order.
One of the first questions of the panel was about photography and whether or not Dean had any new exhibitions planned. He does. He’s planning on doing exhibitions for the 100 year anniversary of World War I and the 100 year anniversary of Gallipoli.
He also has a collection of “Sleeping Dwarves” which he is not allowed to post on his website just yet. This information followed the question of who slept the most on set (not who slept with the most on set, apparently a better question) and whilst Dean stated that it was most probably him (later changing his answer to Stephen Hunter), he also said that he got a lot of great photos of the other cast falling asleep in their special dwarf-chairs (built to accommodate their fat suits). He also followed with an impression of Aidan Turner sleeping.
That marked the beginning of what would be several small impressions; including Martin Freeman, Richard Armitage, James Nesbitt, Sir Ian McKellan, and Graham McTavish at the end. There were also a few Aidan stories, painting him as a confused creature who, along with James (Jimmy), is apparently impervious to alcohol.
Dean tried to keep up one night and suffered one of the worst hangovers, causing the prosthetics on his face to fall off since you sweat alcohol out and they use alcohol to remove the prosthetics in the first place. That was how they could tell who’d had a big night, because half their face would be falling off. Like Dwalin. Which is why he’s so grumpy.
(Graham McTavish is a lovely man, but if you piss him off he sort of goes all red and turns into Dwalin which is supposedly hilarious. We’re all encouraged to try and piss him off if we ever find ourselves at a Graham McTavish panel. No idea how, Dean never quite finished that thought.)
There was talk of make-up too, mostly just the really long time Stephen Hunter had to spend in the chair (mostly sleeping) and how despite all their (everyone’s but Richard, who never complained about anything ‘cause he’s Thorin and felt he ought to lead by example) complaints it really wasn’t that bad.
Speaking of Stephen Hunter, he was the centre of most of the answers to funniest moment on set. Like him getting stuck in a barrel (which was terrifying for him, but funny to everyone else) and the running scene where Bombur has to overtake everyone. He actually can run surprisingly fast even decked out in full costume.
Dean also talked about auditioning for Bilbo (if he could go back and do it again, he wouldn’t wear that orange jumper) and then getting invited to read for Fili with Aidan, and how it really helped that they got on so well, since they were looking for chemistry, brotherly chemistry (and yes, he did slightly stress that point).
There was a small anecdote about being on location and sharing a house with Aidan, James and Adam Brown. This was still talking about sleep and how after the first couple of weeks everyone was far too exhausted to do anything other than sleep or play Fifa 12, but somehow a rumour started about this massive party they’d thrown. They’d get questions like, which one of you threw the TV in the pool (what TV and they didn’t have a pool) and which of you drove across the tennis courts (there are no tennis courts), but they’d answer them anyway because it made them seem cool.
This is still on The Hobbit stuff and I have yet to touch The Almighty Johnson talk. I remember a lot more than I expected.
Someone asked what it was like working with Sir Ian McKellan. The answer was: hypnotic. He could be talking about breakfast (eggs) and you would want to know more about it (please, tell me more about these eggs). Dean also expressed a desire to work with Benedict Cumberbatch, Jeff Bridges (who he loves), Anthony Hopkins and (to be shouted at by) Al Pacino.
There was also talk about Martin Freeman (the perfect combination of puppies, jam and rage) and how great it was working him.
The rest of it was just talking about filming (no talk of BOFA I’m afraid which they’re still in the process of doing post-production voice stuff). Talking about all the green screen and how very green everything was (there might have been a note of hysteria, I don’t know) with green-suited pre-CGI’d orcs (who look like green gimps) and tiny sets surrounded by green.
There was a great story about that scene in Lake-town where Kili is on the table dealing with his thing and Fili is trying to comfort him. They filmed it on the larger set (where everything is huge) with Aidan costumed from the waist up, whilst from the waist down he was in these green tights. Then on the normal set, they had Ravi (Kili’s scale double) on the table, in green from the waist up whilst in costume from the waist down, kicking his legs (yes, Dean did do his own impression of Ravi’s legs) around whilst Peter Jackson is telling him that the legs need to be more like Aidan’s. Then they kind of merge the two together and Aidan no longer looks like a dancer in little green tights.
Personally, I feel there was a wasted elf joke there somewhere.
Someone also asked if thy’d gotten tattoos like the LOTR cast to commemorate their time working on the film.
They did. They got tattoos of the character’s faces tattooed on their arses, but it went along the line so Balin had Dwalin, Dwalin Balin, Fili Kili, Kili Fili, etc.
No, that isn’t true. Dean was lying. They thought about getting tattoos but ultimately decided to get rings instead which has the journey from The Shire to Erebor engraved on the inside with their character’s name written in khuzdul as well. You might notice them wearing it at the next premier. Except Aidan, who probably forgot they were even given rings.
They also got a lot of booty (pirate booty, not 2AM booty) to keep. Like their weapons (the proper steel ones too) and Fili’s underpants (which are incredibly itchy but really warm).
That about wraps up the Hobbit stuff, if I remember anything new I’ll be sure to add it. Now onto The Almighty Johnsons and just how Dean got such amazing chest hair.
Naturally, there was talk of Bragi. Bragi is a dick was Dean’s general opinion, but he liked that about his character. He also didn’t mind all the getting thrown around and general whumpage (as he seems to find himself cast in many things that see him being thrown around and the like) because Bragi is a dick. He’s like a mouth piece for all the things writer James Griffin wants to say, but is too shy to actually give voice.
Someone also asked if all the dwarf/hobbit/lotr references were scripted or if they were adlib. They were scripted. It was Griffin trying to see how many dwarf, height and chest hair jokes he could subject Anders to.
This brings us to the chest hair. See, way back when, when Dean was working on Young Hercules they were waxing his chest. Believing himself a man, Dean told them he could wax his own chest. Turns out he couldn’t and pretty much destroyed his chest, but an unexpected side effect was that all his chest hair eventually grew back all nice and curly. He told Griffin about this, or rather showed off his chest hair, and the next day found stuff about chest hair in the sсript.
Dean also said that his favourite character is Olaf, mostly because Ben Barrington is Olaf in that he is a one hundred year old man trapped in the body of thirty-five year old, and that his favourite scenes to film were the group scenes that had them all together.
Scenes like the Bergerbar, which by the way used real ice because silicon ice does not work. Dean actually asked if anyone had ever had ice shoved down their pants (I raised my arm and was pointed out by Dean as being the only honest person in the audience, which inspired more people to raise their hands). Tim Balme (Mike), who wrote the episode, actually saw it happen in a restaurant and thought it would be a fun thing to do to Anders.
That was about it for TAJ talk really.
There was also some comments made about the weather in Melbourne, which he didn’t expect would be as cold as New Zealand, and appreciation of some guys beard (it was pretty excellent) which led to the tragic tale of John Callen’s magnificent beard which was shaved off at the beginning of production for The Hobbit just so they could stick a false one to his face.
That was about it, if only that hour could go on forever.
и второй пост, про то, как девушка болтала с Дином, пока фотографировались, отсюда
Firstly, I must mention that I made a lovely new group of friends whilst waiting in line. They’ll be important a bit later.
Usually, I’m a sort of panicky mess when it comes to these sort of things and I had no reason to believe differently. Yet when I walked in, that group of friends lined up behind me, I was actually rather calm.
Dean was there in his knits (to offset the cold Melbourne whether) and did the usual hi, how are you, what’s your name and it’s a pleasure to meet you. I honestly thought that would be it as he put his arm around me in preparation for the photo. (For a poor height comparison, Dean is the same height as me, so if we ever happen to meet or you meet him you’ll know).
Only it wasn’t.
He started asking me about his jeans and if I thought they were too shiny as they were new. I told him they were not and that I rather liked his new jeans, then, looking to the camera, I told him I rather liked his beard too.
I kid you not when I say that elicited a somewhat unmanly, closed-mouth giggle that totally ruined my face for the photo (hence why I have not yet posted the photo).
Immediately following the photo, Dean turns to me (rubbing his beard in that way guys do when talking about or inspecting their beards) and says that it’s not really a beard and that it use to be much more beard-like, but he shaved it. That earned him a small chorus of dismayed shouts from that group of friends I was telling you about.
Unfortunately, the shaving had to be done as it apparently looked as if a large ginger cat had somehow attached itself to his face. I laughed, he laughed and then I said my farewells, telling him it was an absolute pleasure to have met him and he returning the sentiment.
It was rather a good experience.и небольшой апдейт фоток. Котик там опять замёрз, говорят)
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С двумя сёстрами-близнецами, небольшой рассказ от одной: I got one by myself and then one with my twin sister. As I was walking up the girl before me was talking to the photographer so Dean turned to me and said “We’ll just let them finish that…” and then introduced himself etc. He was so kind and nice. Then after my individual photo was taken Laura joined me for the second photo and he was surprised and thought it was cool that we were twins.. I asked him to be confused in the photo, so he did and it was great! After the photo was taken we went to walk away but he was asking me who was older so when I said that I am, he asked how long by and when I said 26 minutes he whistled and said “wow, 26 minutes!” and I called back to him as I was walking away saying I’m never allowed to forget it and I could hear him laughing behind me. Was great!!
и уже утеплённый))
Дин просто... пошто зараза ты такой прекрасный (с)
ну и... предлагаю обмыть новый (!) свитерок - чтоб носился долго-долго
Этак у него скоро будет локоны как у Иолая *нисколько не против*)
Да, пожалуй, нужно обмыть-облизать свитерок
кудряшки невероятно милые, теперь руку хочется не только в причёску Эйдана запустить, но и Дина
сколько всего!!!!!! Фримен, как обычно!!! пипец просто, этот его фирменный стиль!!!!
а Дино... ооо, либо решил отпускать волосы до Иолаевской длины.. кудряшки уже почти-почти!!!
а свитерок да, новый, ранее не замеченный!!!
Диночка прелесть)))) Жаль ,что про его работу ни чего новенького не слышно(
почто ты мёрзешь на родине кенгурей, а не рассекаешь вместе с остальными на розовом кадиллаке в летнем Солт-Лейк-Сити?Можно ли любить это чудо ещё больше? Можно!Я добавлю всякой мутной фигни.
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Ещё в преддверии Кона 2 июля было очень милое интервью.
tar, а чего же нельзя, очень даже можно!)))))))))))
Фримен прям канареечка - в жёлтой курточке) такое мимими))
Мойра*, щас поищем, может, он на какие-нибудь вопросы отвечал там на Коне, вдруг что-то сказал. Точно говорил про свои фото-планы - две выставки готовит, одну к столетию Первой мировой войны, вторую - к столетию Галлипольской операции (вот кстати, мне кажется, было бы логично для этого хотя бы проекта снимать в Европе...)
Та:я, ой, слушай, я с утра больше не заходила в инет, щас страничку с твиттером Дино открываю - ыы, что, я не туда попала?) Опять зайчик выпил и добрался до твиттера?
Даже перепостил фотку Бретта и выложил новую фотку Бэтмена!!! Я всё пытаюсь понять, на фоне чего это он, у Дино фотообои?
кстати, похоже, по-моему, на картину папы, надо поискать, что-то у него такое вот, с дорожками, было...
С орлом - я всё, ваще, даже не в желе, а в какой-то нафиг мусс))))))))))))
спасибо за ссыль на интервью, пойду читать)) Потом всё в пост подниму))
две выставки готовит,
а кино??((
на тумблере, кстати, про фотку Бэтмена написано, что там живопись Дина бонусом на заднем плане, интересно, и правда так, или кто-то выдавает желаемое за действительное))
Про кино - щас вот попыталась сквозь интервью продраться, но не уверена, что правильно поняла. Вроде как он будет участвовать в нескольких новозеландских кинопроектах, но они все не сильно коммерческие, и пока даже даты начала съёмок не установлены.
Говорит, что с удовольствием занимается домашней жизнью, тем, от чего в юности шарахался. Строит ...мм, крыльцо на заднем дворе, видимо, и садом занимается. В общем, с удовольствием вернулся обратно в Окленд и пока особо никуда не рвётся.
Вот, кстати, он только что ретвитнул от актрисы, которая дружит с исполнительницей главной роли в этом "Тангивае"
Ещё прекрасного рыжего Дина. Узбагоиться и не нести не могу, а пост обновлять или новый писать пока лень))
Ну точно же!
ёпть...Я ж сней сериал смотрела "Однажды в сказке" и она мне не нравитсяпотомушта лезет между мальчиками моего ОТП!!мышь-медуница, ага, что-то он сегодня очень разговорчивый ))
а на этой
тёткемилой женщине, которая Дженнифер, меня внезапно порвало .Ааааааа, интервьюшка!
Мойра*, да уж, вот и к Дину тоже лезет, ишь какая!))
Да, точно, Рози Макайвер, которая в "Тангивае" играла главную роль (там же, где Дин прекрасный), в OUT играет Тинкербелл. Дин общается с Рози, когда приезжает в ЛА, Дженнифер эта общается с Рози - на съёмках, ну, видимо, там тоже и познакомились.
даладна? это кого? я киношку-то тоже смотрела вроде, но чот не помню ее там.
Интервью прекрасное
нет, не могу молчать. Кудряяяяшки!!! Эх, террасы он строит, в саду копается... Ну что за?.. *жаждет новых ролей*
свитер-полосатик добил окончательно.
Мышь, выздоравливай - видишь, даже Дин с орлом тебе в помощь!