Он поцелует, да. Но ничего не пройдёт. (netttle)
Голос Армитажа прекрасен, и тем более - если этим голосом он озвучивает ролик благотворительного фонда, собирающего средства на борьбу с раком крови.
Anthony Nolan, the world’s first bone marrow register, was started in 1974 thanks to the vision of one inspirational woman. Shirley Nolan had a dream that no one in need of a lifesaving transplant would die waiting, like her son Anthony did. And so began a register matching incredible individuals willing to donate their stem cells to people with blood cancer in desperate need of a transplant.
To achieve Shirley’s ambition, and be there for everyone who has blood cancer, we need the passion and dedication of people like you and me. Ordinary people who have something remarkable inside. The Lifesavers. Join us: www.anthonynolan.org
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Anthony Nolan, the world’s first bone marrow register, was started in 1974 thanks to the vision of one inspirational woman. Shirley Nolan had a dream that no one in need of a lifesaving transplant would die waiting, like her son Anthony did. And so began a register matching incredible individuals willing to donate their stem cells to people with blood cancer in desperate need of a transplant.
To achieve Shirley’s ambition, and be there for everyone who has blood cancer, we need the passion and dedication of people like you and me. Ordinary people who have something remarkable inside. The Lifesavers. Join us: www.anthonynolan.org
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